Idaho Baptist College is a 501 (c)3

All contributions are tax deductible.

Please mail check or money order to Idaho Baptist College:

Mailing Address:

Idaho Baptist College
P.O. Box 172
Meridian, ID 83680

Please reach out at info[at]idahobaptistcollege[dot]com (symbols have been removed to prevent spam bots).

Please contact us if there are other ways you would like to contribute to this effort, we would love to hear from you! 

Giving opportunities: 

1) Scholarships for students

2) Long-term WILL planning (laying up treasures in heaven-Matt 6:19) 

3) Relocation building project for multipurpose building for college and chapel.

4) Foundation

5) The best gift you can give to God is yourself; come see how you can help!

 Plan to take it with you!  Invest it for the Lord Jesus!